Company Profile
Since its establishment in 2002, Cameron Construction has become a very well respected civil contracting company.
The growth of the company is a result of consistently providing a high standard of work for all our clients and upholding our well-grounded reputation for doing a “job well done”.
This is underpinned by a skilled workforce with expertise in best practice safety and management systems, delivering long-term remote projects supported by a large plant fleet. Our specialised approach delivers outstanding project outcomes for our clients, every time.
One of Cameron Construction’s greatest strengths is our ability to secure a steady flow of repeat work from developers and major civil companies. Because of our consistency in completing projects on-time and under-budget, returning clients know that they can trust us with any of their construction projects.
Our proven track record and strong local networks have enabled Cameron Construction to rapidly build momentum in this competitive market, resulting in long-term project work with both new and established clients.

Our People
The foundation of Cameron Construction’s success is our team of highly skilled and safety-conscious experts. We pride ourselves on our ability to procure the right people for the right job, from senior management through to the team on the ground. Cameron Construction’s senior leadership are a team of professionals with expertise in the industry and over 35 years of experience working within Papua New Guinea.
Cameron Construction operates a combined matrix and divisional management system. Using the combined strengths of both systems, Cameron Construction can give substantial power to the people on the ground to adapt the project’s critical paths, to best meet your requirements.
With this systematic approach, we can specifically match the skills and experience of our staff to reflect the scope of work and project outcomes.
Our team of professionals apply this knowledge and expertise to each project delivering optimal results